Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Empty headed idiots who know how to spend money to please their electorates

 Daniel Andrews , the man who always knew when to jump, has quit. TODAY 
Few but him know how light his flight of fancy was. It isn't hard to run the place into the ground and his and the parties choice of Jacinta Allan only show the light weight decision making which has infected our state over the last ten years. 
Labor may celebrate now but when they and the public realize he's leaving us with nothing but unproductive and imbecilic debt,  and some of the most unproductive public service jobs ( always hard to demonstrate )  his reputation  as a loser will be  his legacy  

We citizens of the productive earth have known for all his time in office that holding office was not hard for Labor .Stamp duty has kept the man in power and he knows  it cannot continue . ]. 
what we all hoped that the simple stupidity of the man would have become obvious well before now but  i guess his dependents got more than they bargained for when pretended in his last years to be acting like a Saviour .
Even he will be surprised eventually at the thickness of the people who thought he knew what he was doing . For me it's a great reminder of the old adage that if you know what you are doing , you wouldn't do it;    to be so up yourself to think being popular was not an expression of your own puppetry and nothing deeper . Yes he could play the game and played it to win . 

His childish arrogance was never more evident than in his defense of his very own big bad microbe story. , His mad determination to manage something he didn't have any idea about marks him out , as one of the most shallow water fanatics Victoria has even seen. 

Setting this stupidity in concrete is the his decision to let another inexperienced  big spender join the bunch of incompetents who sit there. 
Any more comment from me is superfluou,  as he is finally going - that can only be a good thing.