Sunday, October 27, 2019

Locked in literally.

The reactionaries didn't all join Parliament , Some of the sitters friends  could only continue to  do what they loved doing in their youth - finding  fault;  by finding fault at the ABC.   You know what I mean;  not finding fault with yourself, but finding fault beyond yourself .
There are many ways to join the smartarse club, not just the Liberal way  . Its often only when we fail to find a way that we realize SA is just a stupid waste of a way to live . Its OK to want  a revolution,  but just eliminating bad people would mean none of us would survive ( guillotine ).

  In a paradox of profound proportions, many of those incompetent in science thus came to expound science . ( Adams Williams Feine  2 name a few ) They came to their new doctrine of religious self righteousness about who should be judge of good science ( ie me ) by using  the good name of the doctrines of separated prejudices ( another name for cynicism ) Pity such stupidity simplicity and evil values places the truth second . (If they interviewed real scientists these dominating dummies wouldn't make so many blunders and be more effective education agents)
Joining  the Public service and the ABC they  found themselves happily paid to continue to preaching the safe new gospel of cynicism.  Those who don't understand the limits of something tend to worship or fear that thing. If you work with science you don't worship it ,but you respect its awesome power .
These mere reactionaries to the road set for travel in science are 2 groups who remain good friends to this day , As there friendship relies on their shared fault of mere reaction,  they can't see the weakness.Their presentation of the truth is likely to be limited. Ita Buttrose and Scott Morrison-- if you are interested in " Clever country" and the dilemma of trying to use a dumb and determined ignorant ( of how things work) media scrum in forcing an advance . 

As Chesterton pointed out nearly 100 years ago .What this means in practical terms  is that  neither of the blinkered road hogs can see the rocks in the high seas in which they insist we all keep sailing in.   

 "The emancipated man must cast a weird and suspicious eye round him at all the institutions of the world wondering which of them was destined to die in the next centuries . ....There was, in this thirst to be"  progressive " a subtle sort of doublemindedness and falsity ....... he had to SNEER at ( old insitutions) , as old fashioned out of a servile and snobbish fear ( because its not studied) of the future.     Chesterton on  Shaw and The progressives .

Noticed any sneer in the room ?

THUS the ABC and the sentimentalists inside the stockade  keep missing the opportunity to get scoops on  cul desacs that are wide open for complete wastage . Buying into ship wreck things other can see through.  Here's a brief list of some for you to explore .Naked emperors
The problem with not showing respect for history is that you forget studying and accepting this-- tere are old but good things that prevented disaster; we need to see why communities so readily still ignore them. 

The day is coming when those who have called themselves progressive,  will be known as those who,  now huddle  lost in an epistemological muddle , and always talked fear  and "what they hadn't got " ;  condemned to immaturity by their highest points of doctrine in their limited plane of view.


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