Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Nixon said he can't remember , Brumby is happy to " not know " what's happening

Which is worse ? Cockup coverup or plain " don't wanna  know " in a leader ?  
In  a totally uncredible performance John Brumby failed to talk to names and particular issues mentioned in The Age yesterday' After all,  his very new finance minister would have to defend the indefensible instead of offering a takes one to know one response ( "explain your figures"diversion) to divert attention from his stupidity in the area of spending  . Must be hard to have such incompetence in your " team" .  
Presumably the well intentioned leader of what is a wheelbarrow fulla holes  will continue to say " I don't wanna know " to both the public and his colleagues as he did in response to the names mentioned in the Age articles yesterday-
"I don't know and don't need to know" is the implication. This  could mean " I don't wanna know' Either way" it is a matter for Him "because for  particular members of staff were named in the Age .
Nixon said "I don't remember" . Its much easier  to say "I don't know" . Both are great for those determined to cover up crap !  neithe brumby of those he tries to cover for are worthy of office . 
The party he stands up to defend are not worthy of defence .I reject the question he says. There are no dumb questions most thinking people would say .
 The detail in the Age was clear and John Brumby failed to be clear even resorting to the totally unacceptable line that somehow it wasn't his business TO FIND OUT .more here 


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