The failure of the B government to even remotely understand the sound basis for authority in risk management goes to the heart of their problem - they don't know what it is . Let me summarize Its highly distracted,ineffective and
reactionary approaches to problem solving across a wide range of agencies.
While the reforms proposed today in response to the bushfire are very welcome, no progress will be made till the Stockade recognises it has no agencies any more with real authority on the big questions of risk
Oh yes they have ”Authority” in name .......but in name only - the point is, the modus operandi is missing, and they don't know where to find it !
Paradoxically , the accepted myth and false doctrine (the DOPI approach) is - blame the situation as “unusual “ .The premier doesn't even realise that by using the word unusual or extreme , that his DOSE department of sustainability is anything but able to handle its job .Maybe they don't even have any sustainaibility experts in there to advise the premier about the basics of risk estimation .
Extremes should be the stuff a DOSE can talk about ( after all sustainability is about confidence in all circumstances). However all we can expect from DOSE , it seems , is a DOSE of approval for outdated reactionary medicine. The quick fiz and the quick excuse .
DOPI and DOSE are the lead agencies of the B government on environmental matters, but do they really have any idea what sustainability planning implies?