Saturday, March 05, 2005

Windpower - the answers are still blowin in the wind

Touting at windmills has got new status in Victoria as the state government creates its own windmill shrines for its followers to wonder at . When polys are too quick to follow simple green logic they risk the short term gain that marks the new courtiers contribution to history. Experience would tell them that the new clothes are often just old clothes redyed - likely to cause embarrassment long term.
Windpower mills go in where someone who believes the latest fad thinks appropriate - with a mere 300ppm of Co2 in the atmospher any hasty conversion of many of our coastal landcapes to technology shrines and native forests to nothing will be historically irrelevant in the big balance debates of the milleneum - the greens do not know what we are doing and politicians who follow them will find out sooner or later about sound cost benefit issues .If you are unsure ask the promoters of towerful visions how seriously we should take the previous "very seriuos threats" of ozone layer destruction..