Sunday, June 14, 2009

Duplication - the enemy within

If only our leaders could see what really happens when they let revolution talk run amok amongst themselves. The rev idea has more media appeal than the ref idea, so guess which one they fall for .
If only they could see how preditable their behaviour sometimes is
If only they could see their behaviour as viewers of Yes Minister see it . They might be less inclined to talk revolution and think more clearly about reform.
They think they are creating new forms of responsibiliy when they create departments as if real progress had something to do with printing money- which is what they require of us when they do this !
I wonder if they are stupid enough with the Big Bushfire questions to fall for creating a new department of emergency incident management (Department of Incident Management); DIM in name, Dim in nature
You think its not possible for them to wreck the path to reform with revolution? To even let their character lead by name and nature of the new wonder drug of revolution?
Why they have created DOPI and DOSE to replace any number of more focused organisations since the Department of Constant Name Review CNR was eliminated .


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