Sunday, August 13, 2006

You are not allowed to say that!

There are rare moments in history when only a very few can see the future. Rare moments ,as Waugh hinted , when the progessives even if present, are half asleep. The indicators are there- voltaire, the greens,bikies , liberty victoria, public radio, senior QC's , the opposition parties AND the independants . Those few did not own papers or run columns in newspapers . On 8th August some of that very motly crew acted to Stop The great levelling board from delivering a few mad bombs of misplaced projection. Fancy the labor party encouraging lawyers battles instead of conciliation - i hope the legal aid service is ready for their brilliance $200000 is a lot of dumbing down money to spend in an admin court playing with words and definitions . Herod would have been pleased with their performance .
Jesus could be expected to take exception to the vilification of anyone using the word "idiot " Matt 5:22. The Age last week printed the word in a headline - will they be prosecuted for repeating " hate speech " in the tradition of the western legal system . Should they be? Should they know better ?

Why did the press not really notice this HUGE insult to western legal history and the jewel in Victoria's justice crown? Perhaps they couldn't see the reason because of their grand disinterest in all things "religious"?
They are, like so many of labor's PC correct audience --are starved of real meat - real emotion. And there was a great deal of emotion at that meeting .30 minutes of great passion from a great range of great Victorians. See the DVD on community TV ?

The place is quiet - which means everything is going wonderfully well!!!...? Nobody is buying papers or talking much .maybe its all too hard ? Maybe the only things that matter to the me generation is my graph is going up,(abc business)and my super is safe . How secular can you get when all you eat is as dry as mere materialism . R&R vilification legisilation at least is about something that stirs emotion - paradoxically passion sells papers but the journos can't be bothered promoting their own bosses interest . Asleep most of the time and only aroused by a really big noise?usually a bit late to be progessive then ! Waugh would not have been surprised at the calm before the storm and neither should we.

Where are the well trained lawyers who care enough to say VCAT'S Vetoing Conversation Aimed at the Truth should be heard in something other than a backyard brawl--an word administration court. Its a bit like Herod and his lawyers wanted Pilate to do? Rule on the words used !
We have progessed haven't from there haven't we?


Blogger journeymanj said...

Yes the fanatics can't help themselves - they trall back in history and try to revive the simple idea of a bill of rights.--another dangerous good idea attempting to make what is diificult simple. Clearly - the proponents are ignorant of the real basis of law in English history and the courts ( or wish to ignore it- which rather suggests they are not operating on belahlf of all the people) .
As Beasley says the Victorain goverenmnet couldn't EVEN get the jurisdiction right . With such blunt swords they continue to thrash around spend millions defending the bleeding ridicilous treatement of its citizens .and a minimum of $200000 for 2 pastors .
Victorian advisers of the R&R VA have little respect fr the basis for free speech and democarcy of our country. Clearly .
Those who promote NEW ways to use the law to get around parliament should be treated with great cautionand OPPOSITION - esp when they are largely bureaubrats.

No respect for the history of the common law = very sus .

10:17 AM  

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